Videoconference “Surviving Glioblastoma: Stories of Hope and Resilience”
The tenth conference of the voluntary organization Glioblastoma.IT ODV, the fifth of 2023, took place successfully. It saw the participation of around 80 people across different channels. It was held in Italian. Three survivors, or as technically long-living persons, participated in the video conference: Cristina Gerosa, founder of the social group “Glioblastoma e Sorriso” (Astrocytoma and Glioblastoma), Selene Maggistro (Atrocytoma) and Stefano Scola (Glioblastoma). We thank all the participants and in particular the invited speakers who decided to share their painful experiences to give courage to those who are currently facing glioblastoma and high-grade glioma in general. We are confident that in the next few days there will be many patients, caregivers and specialists who will have the opportunity to watch the deferred videoconference. The extensive question and answer session shed light on some aspects of interest to the participants. For ease of access we include the video of the recording below for those who have not yet managed to participate.
If you cannot view the video, use the link: Video Recording.
Tomorrow it will be 5 years since my son Emanuele passed away and I am particularly full of emotion to be able to demonstrate that, although rare, there are survivors of a high-grade glioma. They only consider themselves lucky just as they considered themselves simply unlucky when they got sick but the message that these experiences have in common can be summed up in this simple one in Trieste dialect: Mai Molar (Never Give Up)!
In the hope that more and more people will become long-term survivors and that sooner or later we will be able to make high gliomas curable, to all of you, Enjoy the video!