Editorial Glioblastoma.it
Today is a special day. Today is my birthday and this morning I woke up to make some candles. For over two years now I have always kept a candle lit on the windowsill of the children’s room, for Emanuele. Making these candles is a comfort to me. But today is also Christmas Eve, a somewhat special Christmas this year. So I decided to write this editorial also to thank all the readers of this site who are now many, almost 30,000! On the one hand this pleases me and gives me the push to continue but on the other it also means that there are many glioblastoma patients. So this candle is a symbol, a symbol of hope for all glioblastoma multiforme patients and their loved ones.

This year saw the birth of the “Research News” project which provides every 2 months an update on what is happening in the world of GBM research, the production of 30 articles and the development of Gliobot +. I thank everyone who keeps writing, calling, suggesting content and stories to me.
Between now and the end of the year, a last article on the news of the research will be released in the sixth two months period of 2020, we will replace Gliobot with the new version Gliobot+ and we will probably add a new story of glioblastoma.
The hope for next year is to do at least what has been done this year and maybe be able to make a technical and scientific contribution to some clinical trials such as the CUSP-ND that I told you about in a recent article.
I would also like to launch an editorial project to continue raising awareness on glioblastoma multiforme through a collection of stories.
Finally, many of you ask me how they can donate. From today there is the possibility to do it in a very simple way through the PayPal account of the “Amici di Federico” association which has been raising funds for many years to directly help the families of children suffering from these diseases.
Below you will find the PayPal.Me link directly. In the message associated with the donation you can simply quote “Glioblastoma.it”.

Emanuele’s mother let me know that today the group “Parents for EVER” that she attends has proposed to light a candle for all our Angels. So I’ll light this candle for that too.
So I just have to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas!